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26 Biblical Journaling Ideas to Spark Your Creativity

Bible journaling is like opening the door to a colorful, expressive, and deeply personal way to connect with Scripture. Deepen your faith, find creative outlets for your spirituality, and keep a beautiful record of your spiritual journey.

Bible journaling offers a unique blend of artistic expression and devotional practice. With these 26 creative Biblical journaling ideas to explore, you’re bound to find inspiration that speaks to your heart!

Biblical Journaling Ideas: Creative Techniques

Before we get started with biblical journaling ideas, I’d like to address a topic that’s often asked online – “Is it ok to write/draw/paint in my Bible?”

When Bible journaling you can choose to have your art cover the scripture or just create around the scripture verses. I personally don’t like to cover up scripture to the point that I can no longer read it. It seems counter to the whole point of Bible study – I only want to enhance my Bible with art, but still be able to read and study it.

However, some people don’t mind covering scripture with their art and I’m not condemning them in any way. I say let the Holy Spirit be the decider and follow His leading.


Watercolors offer a translucent beauty that can transform your Bible pages into ethereal works of art. You may want to test an extra page of your Bible in the back before committing to an actual painting so you know how your particular Bible will handle watercolors.

Start by selecting a verse, then paint a soft wash of color over the page as a background. You can also paint specific images that relate to the verse. Don’t worry about perfection; the beauty of watercolors lies in their unpredictability and flow.

Scrapbook Stories

Your Bible journal can double as a spiritual scrapbook. Combine your favorite verses with personal memorabilia—photos, ticket stubs, or even small trinkets. Attach these items to your pages with glue or tape, and add handwritten notes or prayers that relate the verse to your personal experiences.

Fabric & Ribbons

Fabric scraps can add a unique texture and pattern to your journal pages. Cut shapes, letters, or strips from fabric and adhere them to your pages.

This technique works well for creating borders, backgrounds, or even illustrating biblical stories. Thinner fabrics work best since they won’t add too much bulk to your pages.


Create a layered effect on your pages using decoupage. Tear pieces of tissue paper, thin fabric, or magazine cutouts and glue them down to complement the scripture you’re focusing on. Once dry, you can write or paint over them for a multimedia look.


Stamps are a quick way to add imagery or text to your journal pages. Use ink or acrylic paint to stamp directly onto the page. You can create borders, and backgrounds, or use stamps to highlight key words or phrases from the scripture.

Washi TapeBiblical Journaling Ideas - Washi Tape

Washi tape comes in countless colors and patterns, making it a versatile tool for Bible journaling. Use it to create borders, highlight verses, or as part of a larger artistic composition.

It’s repositionable, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Biblical Journaling Ideas: Artistic Expression

Illustrating Insights

Draw illustrations that represent the story or message of a particular verse. You don’t have to be a professional artist to create something meaningful; simple doodles or abstract shapes can capture the essence of the scripture in a powerful way.

Bible traceables are a great option for those who need a little inspiration too. Just put one behind your Bible page, trace it, and then color it in with the medium of your choice!

Embellishing Edges

Decorate the edges of your Bible pages to add a finished look to your work. You can use ink, stains, colored pencils, crayons, paint, or metallic markers to create patterns and frames, or simply to add a pop of color.

Calligraphy and Hand Lettering

Beautiful handwriting can turn a simple verse into a work of art. Practice different fonts and styles to find what works best for you. You can also use lettering to create emphasis on certain words or phrases that stand out to you.

Biblical Journaling Ideas - Hand Lettering Art

Mixed Media Messages

Don’t limit yourself to one medium. Combine painting, drawing, stamping, and collage to create pages that are rich in texture and meaning. The combination of different materials can help convey the depth and complexity of the scripture.

Collage Creations

Use the collage technique to visualize Bible scripture or to reflect on personal insights. Cut out images from magazines, printouts, or even old books related to the verse you’re studying. Arrange them on your page and glue them down to create a visual representation of the scripture. This is a great way of doing creative Bible journaling without the need for drawing!

Themed Biblical Journaling Ideas

💡 Bible Journaling Tip: Use tip-ins to add a full blank page to your Bible for journaling on.

Seasons of Faith

Create pages dedicated to seasons in your life or holidays. Use colors, symbols, and decorations that correspond to each season to enrich your reflection and understanding of these important times in the Christian calendar.

Women of the Bible

Dedicate pages to the stories of the women in the Bible. Reflect on their stories, their faith, and their lessons. Use imagery and symbols that represent their essence and contributions to the biblical narrative.

Psalms of Praise

The Psalms are full of expressions of worship, lament, and thanksgiving. Create pages that reflect the themes of specific Psalms, using visuals that express the emotions and messages contained within them.

Parables in Pictures

Illustrate the parables of Jesus in your journaling Bible. These stories are rich with imagery and lessons, creatively explore them through art and reflection.

Biblical Landscapes

Biblical Journaling Ideas - Jerusalem WatercolorCreate artistic representations of the landscapes where biblical stories took place. Research the geography and flora of places like Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, or the desert of Sinai, and let these settings inspire your journaling pages.

Reflective Art Journaling Practices

These biblical journaling ideas will work in your journaling Bible or a separate journal. Here are five ideas to get you started:

Gratitude Pages

Dedicate pages to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. List things you’re thankful for, embellish with decorations that represent these blessings, and reflect on verses that speak to gratitude.

Prayer Requests and Answers

Keep a record of your prayers and God’s answers. This can be a powerful way to see how God is working in your life over time. Use different colors or symbols to mark prayers that have been answered.

Scripture Memorization

Use your journal to help memorize scripture. Write out verses in creative ways to make them more memorable, think brush hand lettering and word art. Illustrate, decorate, or rewrite the verses in different styles to reinforce their meaning.

Sermon Notes

Take creative notes during sermons or Bible studies. Use colored symbols, bullet points, and illustrations to capture the key points and insights. This not only helps you remember the lessons but also makes the review process enjoyable.

Spiritual Goals

Set and track your spiritual goals within your journal. Whether it’s increasing your prayer time, reading through the Bible in a year, or working on a specific character trait, document your journey and progress.

Community: Sharing Your Biblical Journaling

Use Bible journaling as a way to witness to others and share the Good News. For example:

Journaling with Friends & Family

Start a Bible journaling group to share ideas, inspiration, and fellowship. Working on your journals together can be a wonderful way to deepen both your faith and your friendships.

Online Inspiration

There are countless online communities and platforms where people share their Bible journaling pages. They’re great sources of inspiration and encouragement. Consider sharing your own pages to inspire others!

Journaling Workshops

Like journaling with friends and family, attending or hosting a Bible journaling workshop is a great way to learn new techniques and meet others who share your passion. Workshops can provide structured time for Bible study, along with the opportunity to learn from more experienced journalers.

Family Faith Journaling

Incorporate Bible journaling into your family’s devotional time. This can be a meaningful way for family members of all ages to explore Scripture together, each person expressing their insights and reflections in their own unique way. It’s a great tradition to start with your kids too! Kids love colors and art, it’s a great way to get them excited for Bible study.

Sharing Your Testimony

Your Bible journal can be a powerful tool for sharing your faith journey with others. Consider ways you can use your journal to witness to friends, family, or even strangers, showing how God’s Word has impacted your life.

Conclusion: A Journey of Faith and Creativity

Bible journaling is more than just a creative hobby; it’s a deeply personal way to engage with God’s Word and grow in your faith. With these biblical journaling ideas, I invite you to explore, reflect, and express your spiritual journey in ways that are beautiful, meaningful, and inspiring. Consider making it a family keepsake that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Whether you’re drawing, painting, writing, or collaging, remember that the heart of Bible journaling is connecting with God’s Word. So grab your journaling Bible, let your creativity flow, and see where this beautiful journey of faith and creativity takes you.

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